Shaun Sookoo, Viomar CEO, Makes Top 25 Entrepreneur Watchlist 2024

Viomar Holdings CEO, Shaun Sookoo, has been named one of the Top 25 Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2024 by the UK Black Business Show, in collaboration with HSBC. This recognition highlights his exceptional leadership and entrepreneurial spirit.

The UK Black Business Show has celebrated over 100 outstanding entrepreneurs in the past four years, emphasising their achievements and contributions to various industries. Shaun’s inclusion in this prestigious list underscores his innovative approach and dedication to driving the success of the Viomar Group.

Shaun commented, “Being recognised among such a distinguished group of entrepreneurs is truly an honour and is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our entire team. Our journey is driven by a passion for excellence and innovation, and this acknowledgment motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and achieving greater heights.”

Congratulations to Shaun Sookoo and all the entrepreneurs recognised this year. 

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