Viomar’s Gift Empowering Communities at Stanton Bridge Primary School, Coventry

Viomar’s Gift is proud to partner with Stanton Bridge Primary School, Coventry, in a significant community initiative. Recognising the challenges faced by some families, Viomar’s Gift, the non profit arm of Viomar Holdings, is delighted to support a program whereby every fifth Saturday, the school transforms into a hub of activity, offering enriching activities and a nutritious hot meal for children and their parents.

Shaun Sookoo (CEO, Viomar Holdings), commented, “the pioneering events are not just about providing food; they’re about fostering a strong community spirit and improving mental well-being. The longer term objective is to enhance the connection between families and the educational setting and, ultimately, it is hoped that this will encourage greater participation and regular school attendance.”

This project is a stepping stone towards a broader vision and, if successful, would be a program Viomar’s Gift would seek to replicate within other communities across the West Midlands and throughout the UK.

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